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Tree Book

Exploring the parts of the trees to assemble our tree books. We colored leaves, made bark rubbings, glued branches, painted seeds, drew roots and decided what animals lived in our trees. Then the children expressed what they like most about trees. Outside they played with leaves and climbed trees with friends.

All about me cooking- Face Pizza and Friendship Pockets

Our cooking projects this month helped us explore our food groups and our gardens.  The children discussed what foods we have in the gardens and learned about their food groups.  We discussed where foods come from and let the children make their own food combinations. The children loved getting messy and eating and trying new and fresh foods.  Up next is food group soup!

First day of German

The children were very excited to meet Miss Heidi.  Miss Heidi talked about where Germany is and started introducing some of the linguist nuances that exist between German and English.  The children were in stiches to learn that some words sound and even look the same in both English and German.  Some words are very different and have sounds that are hard to make.   The children learned colors and the names for some house hold objects.  Ex: rug, mug, clock and so on.


Pizza Time

This weeks cooking project was Pizzas.  We extended the learning in three different ways.  We made paper shape pizzas.  During lunch we read “Little Red Hen Makes A Pizza”, and “Sally’s Pizzeria”.  During circle time we read “Pete’s A Pizza” and reenacted it by making Miss Cheryl and the students into a pizzas.

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